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House show venue Q House provides stress

Oct 02, 2023

Contributed by Carolina Heater

Q House, located on 18 Dixie Trail, has emerged as an up-and-coming outdoor music venue for local bands. Throughout the past year, bands such as By George and Satellite Dog have frequented the venue. Q house has made a name for itself within the NC State student body, despite only hosting musicians for a year.

Q House started when Quinn Maclean, a third-year studying economics, moved in next door to Caroline Heater, a fourth-year studying applied math and economics. As is the case with any great Disney Channel plot setup, it only took one conversation over a picket fence for Q House to begin its journey.

"Quinn moved into this house over this summer … and I was his next door neighbor," Heater said. "Over the backyard fence I saw him moving in."

At the pair's first meeting, Maclean offered to host Heater's band in the backyard.

"I hit him up around September and said ‘Did you really mean that?’" Heater said. "My band is no more, but I know of other bands we could host here.’"

NC State students are always on the prowl for a new venue to infest on a Saturday night, and Q House turned out to be a natural fit. One of the biggest challenges for the hosts were the crowds, which quickly grew from a small gathering of friends to 800 attendees. Micheal Taylor, a third-year studying accounting and one of the housemates, is grateful for the popularity of the house as he didn't expect much growth from the venue.

"It's shocking. We went from saying ‘Yeah let's just have some friends over’ to growing over 100 Instagram followers in under a week," Taylor said. "It's really rewarding because it's something you worked this whole time, and people you don't even know to come see [shows]."

While many prepare for their upcoming hibernation in stacks with cram season just around the corner, the Q House last day of class show is a beacon of light amidst the dark days of finals for State students. Maclean said the venue will be hosting a show on Tuesday, April 25.

"We have two bands playing. The Bell Tower Blues and Carson Mac playing as one, then we’re going to have Satellite Dog headline," Maclean said. "We’re having Ben Reuben playing as a DJ afterwards. … We’re really excited for that. It's a good way for people to relax a bit before finals."

John Monroe, a third-year studying biomedical engineering and one of the housemates, is excited about having some of the regulars and fan favorites such as Satelite Dog and DJ Ben Rubin come back for their final show.

"The bands are incredibly talented and super nice," Monroe said. "They’re great to work with. We’re excited to see Ben Rubin perform again. He came on our last show, but it was a small crowd he performed to, and we’d love to give him a bigger crowd to play to this time."

Despite Heater graduating, NC State students don't need to worry about another music venue being lost to graduation as four of the house members are planning on continuing Q House's legacy.

"We have people who are coming to follow this band or that band," Heater said. "You have people who are coming because they love Q House, and that's what we’re focused on is growing, growing Q House fans."

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